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07/03/2014  |  Matão, São Paulo, Brazil
Technical Articles
Before being transferred to any kind of purification system, sewage in civil or industrial waste water treatment plants has to be pre-treated.
WASTEMASTER TSF Mechanical Pre-treatment Combined Plant carries out different processes: removal, de-watering and compaction of screened suspended solids, sand separation, grease removal.
This treatment removes solids, sand and greasy matter in order to avoid overloading of the downstream treatment system. Waste water that enters into the plant is processed by a screw screen separator. Subsequently, a sedimentation process and the extraction of the sand takes place. In the TSF 3 a degreasing unit is available which provides the possibility to remove fats and floating material with the use of an aeration system and a special floating scraper.

 Screening the sewage
 Reducing the volume of screenings and of various solid waste;
 Removing heavy solids (grit, sand, etc.)
 Removing grease and floating material (only TSF3).

The main market for this product is civil waste water treatment but also industrial applications.
The main need of the market is a compact plant with the highest possible efficiency of sand removal, in a reduced space.
Other requirements are present too:
 High efficiency of sedimentation;
 Small footprint;
 Easy installation;
 Low installation costs;
 High efficiency of grease removal;
 Reduction of screenings volume;
 Containment of odours;
 Low power installed (reduction of energy consumption).
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